PAINTS | Rashid M. ALAbdulatif Trading Group – Rashid M ALAbdulatif Trading Group


Environmentally Friendly Paints Interact with indoor and outdoor light to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen Very high individual rate Very competitive prices Offered to our customers the finest paints (European Union). We are a group of Rashid Mohammed Al Abdul Latif agents of this company exclusively within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. When opening these services on a timely basis, customers will be shown a link to the catalog (to be attached with the services) and any appropriate images.

Titanium Paint

Rashid M. ALAbdulatif Trading Group is pleased to represent Pigment – an independent Polish manufacturer of construction chemicals with a rich assortment of high-quality products that are gaining increasing customer recognition both in Poland and abroad. Investments in technological facilities and establishing cooperation with the West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT ), allowed the company to achieve the status of an innovative enterprise. Among others, in cooperation with ZUT – a license agreement was signed on starting production of photo-catalytic paints, which, as of that time, were not produced anywhere in Poland. Now the best of Poland is available to you in KSA.


Paint Titanium, Nanotechnology

We offer the best in Paint Titanium Nanotechnology. From automotive to food processing and from interiors to textile a nano coating is useful in almost any sector. Not only does nano coating seal the car lacquer but also makes the windows of a skyscraper self cleaning. Some clear benefits of the superior Paint Titanium Nanotechnology that we offer: – Decreases cleaning costs: grease and dirt slides off windows and solar panels. – Protects from vandalism: becomes an effective anti graffiti or anti urine layer. – Prevents short-circuits: ideal for electronic uses and electrical systems. – Increases safety: dangerous fungi and bacteria cannot attach to the surface. – Slows down deterioration: durable protection for sensitive and porous surfaces such as concrete bridges and monuments.



We are passionate about your success. Whatever your need, we have the expertise to fortify your business.



With its extensive range of ingredients, comprehensive support and industry experience, Rashid M. ALAbdulatif Trading Group offers unrivalled benefits to clients.



As a quality wholesaler and importer worldwide, we deliver the best products you need efficiently.

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